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Reply to Gold Rush E-Bikes in Deadwood
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Ben from Lyons, Co. on 12/5/2021 5:16:42 PM:
Are ebikes allowed on the Mickelson Trail ?

Patty on 12/5/2021 9:31:27 PM:
I rode my ebike there.

JDM from ND on 12/6/2021 9:52:18 AM:
They are indeed. But you may get some funny looks from traditional bike riders who are busting their rears to climb hills as you zoom past... I know I did! LOL!

Joe from Carlsbad Ca on 12/25/2021 1:38:01 PM:
E-bikes are definitely OK, even some of the Rangers/ trail ambassadors ride them. Just like anything else ride responsibly.

Cyndie Soo from Irvine on 5/12/2023 4:20:26 PM:
Four of us seniors in our 60s are riding ebikes on the trail, staying overnight in Hill City. In Edgemont, we have to meet our shuttle service at 3 p.m. If you have ridden your ebikes, approximately how long did it take from Hill City to Edgemont?