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Jeff from Sheldon on 3/17/2023 9:33:01 AM:
Every year my family enjoys visiting the area. We alwasy try one day of activities. Hiking, walking, biking etc. This year, I would like to ride the trail. I am in shape for my age! Can you ride the trail in one day? I would be on a trek mountain bike. I would have my wife n kids drop me off at the beginning and pick me up in Deadwood. So see roughly 106 miles give or take. Is this correct? I thought it was longer and thought of spending one night out out on the trail but not sure. Any and all thoughts would be great!

JDM from ND on 3/20/2023 9:29:25 AM:
It is entirely possible to ride it in one day for very well prepared people. I was in descent shape when we did the trail, but we still split it up into 4 (3?) days. Memory a little fuzzy, but I know we powered thru the last day and finished a day earlier than planned.
Granted, we were 4 adults and 4 kids, so there were other limitations, but most days, I was ready to be done with it.

Being your first time, my recommendation is to ride the opposite way (Deadwood to Edgemont) as it predominantly downhill: