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Reply to Crazy Horse by bicycle
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Eric from KCMO on 8/11/2023 2:48:03 AM:
Any info on visiting Crazy Horse by bicycle from the trail? I know it’s about a half mile from the trail and it’s currently $10/rider, but their website doesn’t have any info about bike racks or storage….hopefully no one would mess with my bike or bags. I would like a few good pictures, a few minutes walking around and an Indian taco.

Mark G from Everywhere on 10/2/2023 11:40:39 AM:
I just did the Volksmarch there. Although I was not eyeballing anything for a bike, there is a few structures there like a Welcome Center that I'm sure has something to secure your bike to. Wish I was quick to think about that while I was there.

Eric from KC MO on 10/2/2023 12:15:46 PM:
I was there in August and there is a bicycle rack located in the parking lot and adjacent to the handicap parking spaces. The rack is clearly visible from the front entrance to the museum and clearly visible from the tram stop for those buying the pass to the mountain site….what I’m saying is bikes are in plain site if anyone is concerned about their bike being tampered with which seems unlikely.