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Red on 8/30/2023 11:31:55 AM:
Has anyone backpacked the whole trail?
I really want to try it & wondering how long it took to hike it? I know people have different walking speeds. Just trying to get an idea.

Rich Crim from Nemo, SD on 9/18/2023 7:09:26 PM:
I backpacked it last October SOBO and it took me 4.5 days. I am headed out again soon to do it NOBO but I am going to take 6 days this time to enjoy it a bit more. It was a great trip but I failed to deconflict with the Crazy Horse Marathon last year and had a miserable trip through Hill City up to Crazy Horse. Hundreds or thousands of runners took over the trail during that section. You should also be weary about water in the south portions. The cisterns get locked up depending on weather but last year it was around October 10th. I barely made it through the trek before they were locked. Up north there are plenty of creeks to filter water from.