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Reply to Shuttle Services from Edgemont to Deadwood
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Mike Fink from Fort Collins, Colorado on 10/24/2023 2:00:54 PM:
Are there any shuttle service that could take bicyckes and gear from Edgemont to Deadwood?

Thank you!

Eric from KC MO on 10/24/2023 10:45:07 PM:
This link has several companies that may be able to help you. I personally used Black Hills Discovery Tours and was pleased with the result. I hired Bill to drive my truck from Deadwood to Edgemont. It was waiting for me when I arrived. This was expensive for me as a single rider, but would be cheaper for several people. Give him a call, he’s been doing this for decades. Also, do not miss Purple Pie Place in Custer.


Mike Fink from Fort Collins, Colorado on 10/25/2023 5:04:20 AM:
Thanks, Eric!