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The Mickelson Trail
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JohnMc_76 from Taylorsville, CA on 2/19/2024 9:58:36 PM:
Is camping allowed at this trailhead?

Dan W from Minneapolis,MN on 5/27/2024 2:51:29 PM:
I don't think camping is allowed at ANY of the trailheads, nor along the trail itself. Most Forest Service campgrounds, so far as I'm aware, are at least a few miles off the trail. There are some private campgrounds near the trail, particularly in Custer and Hill City: https://www.mickelsontrailaffiliates.com/campgrounds

I think most people who tour the entire trail are doing it credit-card style and staying in hotels/lodges along the way. To me the dearth of nearby camping options is the biggest limitation to the Mickelson as a touring trail.