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SK from Buffalo NY on 3/12/2025 7:43:34 PM:
My wife requires an e-bike to comfortably ride a trail with hills. I was wondering if she will be able to ride her class 3 bike there, or should we cancel our trip? We would be riding in a group of 4, and 3 of the bikes wouldn't have motors.

Mark from Saint Louis, MO 63144 on 3/12/2025 10:57:07 PM:
The South Dakota House and Senate just passed a bill two weeks ago limiting the trail to Class 1 e-bikes only. Waiting on the Governor's signature for final approval. The bill's sponsor gives some good reasoning behind the need for the bill in the link here:


No disrespect to you or your wife, but personally I hope the bill is signed. The speeds on the trail are becoming dangerously high via Class 3 e-bikes (up to 28mph) and modified/unlocked e-bikes that can go even faster. I was run over by 2 e-bikers two years ago on the trail. They never even stopped to help knowing how fast they were going. I don't know how fast they were going, but way too fast for the conditions. I was able to coast downhill 12 miles to Hill City to an urgent care only to find it closed at 2pm! I had to drive my SUV 30 miles to Rapid City to get the closest help. Very nice people there. Fortunately, my SUV was parked at Hill City or I don't know how I would have made it to Rapid City. (My bike was fixable when I got back home, but at a significant cost.)

Before long someone is going to be seriously injured not just by the speed of e-bikes, but due to the fact that some weigh as much as 70# compared to many trail bikes weighing less than 30#. Being run over by a 200# male on a 70# e-bike at 30mph or more...well, I wouldn't wish that on anyone. I think that fact is why the bill was passed in the SD legislature.

I realize many people can only enjoy a trail like the Mickelson with some assist (my wife would be one of them for sure.) I realize e-bikes are the future. My personal experience has me jaded, I guess.

I hope I answered your question without being negative. We'll see if the Gov. signs the bill here shortly. I haven't heard what his/her position is. I know there are a lot of voices on both sides of the issue. If Class 3 bikes are allowed, I'd find other trails to ride. Too dangerous at those speeds, loose gravel, dark tunnels, blind curves, etc.

SK from Buffalo NY on 3/17/2025 9:11:05 AM:
Thank you for your comment. It seems a bit strange to me to outlaw a bike that goes faster than they wish us to go. We don't do the same for Cars. It should be the responsibility of the person on the bike to be safe and ride at, or under a posted limit. There will always be people who break the rules and ruin everyone else's good time. I don't think we should punish the other folks simply because they purchased the wrong bike.

Maybe we should start banning other things that we deem dangerous, like large pickup trucks. They are way too dangerous for pedestrians. Maybe sports cars, they have no need to go that fast. We could ban guns because the people who own them can't be trusted to use them safely. I could go on and on.

My point is they could just post a speed limit and stick to that. Fools will be fools, and that shouldn't dictate the laws of the land.

Castlesfree on 3/17/2025 9:44:16 AM:
My friends and I have recumbent bikes. We are all older and I have a disability. My sister‘s lungs are compromised. My bike is a class one, but others are class 2.
Do you know if there will be any exceptions to this law?
We have biked the Mickelson Trail for several years and absolutely love it. One of my friends can’t ride their class two recumbent bikes there we will be out.
I have called several places in pier game Fish and Parks Mickelson Trail office, but no one answers and the other people don’t seem to know

Mark from Saint Louis, MO 63144 on 3/17/2025 12:39:43 PM:
SK, I'm pretty sure speed limits are posted along the trail, but my memory isn't what it used to be, ha-ha. I know they are posted at all the trailheads.

I believe the fees to ride the trail (daily and annual) are supposed to provide for Trail Stewards to help enforce the speed limits and help you out if you need help. But I've never seen a single trail steward yet. Not one. I'm not saying there aren't any, but I've never seen one on all my times on the trail. I know from the time I got run over between Deadwood and Hill City and my coasting into Hill City (about 12 miles) there sure wasn't one to help me.

I think the other issue is that the trail is for horseback riders and hikers, too. Horses get spooked and that causes danger for the horses, their riders, and the bikers. Keeping the speed down mitigates that danger, I presume.

For sure, people like your wife and mine aren't the problem. Actually, they are the ones most in harm's way by the all-too-common excessive speeds. Loose gravel on many parts of the trail also poses risks the faster you go.

Yes, in an ideal world, people would be responsible and look out for the safety of others. We're not there yet.

I haven't heard if the SD Governor has or is going to sign the bill restricting the trail to Class 1 e-bikes. If he does, you could rent a Class 1 bike in Deadwood or Hill City. Or at least you could last year. Good luck whatever you decide.

By the way, you didn't say when you were going. I think Summer Trek is June 20-22 and Trail Trek is September 19-21. I've never signed up for either one of those and I really don't want to be on the trail with hundreds of riders at the same time. But that's just me. Oh yeah, the Sturgis Annual Motorcycle Rally is August 1-10 this year. I was in Rapid City and the Sturgis area once when this was going on. Nice people, but I'm never doing that again! On top of that, hotel rates were insane.

(Sorry for the long answer. Again, be safe!)

Two wheels from North Tonawanda NY on 3/18/2025 6:01:34 AM:
Have rode many years, a few "centuries" and long distance bike trips, could in my younger days exceed 26 mph on flat ground for short distances. The "E" bike riders need to ride responsibly, its potential speed should not be a factor. My car has the capability of speeds over 100 mph but I don't drive that way.

Mark from Saint Louis, MO 63144 on 3/18/2025 7:51:17 AM:
"Its (e-bike) potential speed should not be a factor."

Well, using that same logic from North Tonawanda below, why not allow mopeds on the trail? Could we just ask moped riders to "ride responsibly" before someone gets hurt? Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. Some of these e-bikes have unlocked speeds well over 30mph. I've seen them. Those riders didn't override the original bike's speed limitations for nothing. They want to go as fast as they can. Unfortunately, most are young healthy adults who really don't need the electrical assistance. But that's a separate topic.


I see that the South Dakota governor signed the bill limiting the trail to Class 1 on March 11th. Whether it gets enforced is another question.


Dandydon from Fairfield, Ohio on 3/18/2025 4:53:36 PM:
I agree with Mark. I have bikepacked many bike trails and am glad the governor signed the bill. I don't have an e-bike- I have a me-bike. (I make it go.) I am 76 and an e-bike may be in my future. Almost all e-bikers around here are 20-somethings. Class 1 seems appropriate. Bike trails are not highways!