Mark from Saint Louis, MO 63144 on 3/17/2025 12:39:43 PM:
SK, I'm pretty sure speed limits are posted along the trail, but my memory isn't what it used to be, ha-ha. I know they are posted at all the trailheads.
I believe the fees to ride the trail (daily and annual) are supposed to provide for Trail Stewards to help enforce the speed limits and help you out if you need help. But I've never seen a single trail steward yet. Not one. I'm not saying there aren't any, but I've never seen one on all my times on the trail. I know from the time I got run over between Deadwood and Hill City and my coasting into Hill City (about 12 miles) there sure wasn't one to help me.
I think the other issue is that the trail is for horseback riders and hikers, too. Horses get spooked and that causes danger for the horses, their riders, and the bikers. Keeping the speed down mitigates that danger, I presume.
For sure, people like your wife and mine aren't the problem. Actually, they are the ones most in harm's way by the all-too-common excessive speeds. Loose gravel on many parts of the trail also poses risks the faster you go.
Yes, in an ideal world, people would be responsible and look out for the safety of others. We're not there yet.
I haven't heard if the SD Governor has or is going to sign the bill restricting the trail to Class 1 e-bikes. If he does, you could rent a Class 1 bike in Deadwood or Hill City. Or at least you could last year. Good luck whatever you decide.
By the way, you didn't say when you were going. I think Summer Trek is June 20-22 and Trail Trek is September 19-21. I've never signed up for either one of those and I really don't want to be on the trail with hundreds of riders at the same time. But that's just me. Oh yeah, the Sturgis Annual Motorcycle Rally is August 1-10 this year. I was in Rapid City and the Sturgis area once when this was going on. Nice people, but I'm never doing that again! On top of that, hotel rates were insane.
(Sorry for the long answer. Again, be safe!)