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KACH from Kansas City on 2/25/2018 7:18:44 PM:
We are hoping to do the Mickelson trail this summer. Should we go Deadwood to Edgemont and catch a shuttle back to Deadwood? OR, should we go North from Edgemont to Deadwood and shuttle back south?

Thanks for any advice!

Stillriding from Pittsburgh, PA. on 3/1/2018 12:27:08 PM:
If you are just going to do the trail in one direction I would recommend Deadwood to Edgemont then do the shuttle back. This would get the big hills and elevation done at the beginning of your trip. I would recommend taking a look at the elevation chart also. Have a great trip.

ovsa from CALGARY on 3/21/2018 9:42:24 AM:
what shuttle is available from Edgemont back to Deadwood? Haven't been able to find anything

Mac McPherson from Mesquite on 3/21/2018 10:42:40 AM:
Ovsa, Heres shuttle info
Mickelson Shuttle: Deadwheels. 605-484-6592 (Stacey)

Bill on 3/21/2018 12:10:20 PM:

This link is the only one I could find that could get you from and to any part of the trail - all from Hill City. But the downside is it states that there is a 4-person minimum.
I'm still looking for a shuttle for just one person. Good luck.

Cindy from Longmont CO on 5/21/2018 4:57:12 PM:
Same situation here - I'll be solo, and not sure how to shuttle back...perhaps as the season develops they'll add on to an existing reservation??

KACH on 5/28/2018 3:09:43 PM:
Cindy - As far as a shuttle service, we plan to use http://blackhillsdiscoverytours.com/mickelson-trail-bike-shuttle.html

They do groups smaller than four and they claim to do pickup from any point on the trail.

BCov from Sandy on 6/1/2018 11:44:11 AM:
We just finished the trail on Wednesday. We rode from Deadwood to Edgemont and used Deadwheels for the shuttle for 2 of us. Stacey was great, we were running a little late on the day of our reservation and I called her that morning and I was able to push it back an hour without any issues. We used the shuttle on the front end of the trip so when we got to Edgemont we just loaded our bikes up and were able to depart immediately rather than having to time the shuttle on the last day and have people wait at the park for a few hours while I went to get the vehicle from the starting point.
We had so much fun on the trip, even my kids ages 9 & 11 had a great time and want to do it again.