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WBM from SPRINGFIELD, IL on 8/31/2017 5:06:17 PM:
If I only have time to do half the trail in late September starting and ending in Hill City, which is the most scenic half? North to Deadwood, or South to Edgemont. Thank you.

Stillriding from Pittsburgh on 9/1/2017 2:23:15 PM:
WOW! That is a tough one because there is a lot to see each way. The south is more open prairie and canyons if that is more to your liking. With less altitudes come a little warmer weather and easier grades and a chance of little higher wind. The north is more enclosed with hills but steeper grades. With higher altitudes come a little cooler weather with a change of short storms also with a higher altitude everything is a little harder if you are a low land person. The north also has 4 tunnels you can go through. You will miss a lot by only doing half and with that I think most people would choose north. But like the movie saying goes "Choose Wisely"

WBM on 9/1/2017 8:52:25 PM:
Super reply...thanks so much. If I can figure out a way to do both north and south, that's what I'll do. I don't want to miss any of the things you have described. Thanks again.