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Reply to Any problems getting campsites or places to stay?
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Chris T. from Kansas City on 4/20/2019 1:40:45 PM:
We are planning to ride the trail one way in June with camping gear. Do we need to make campsite (or other accomadations) reservations ahead of time or are we likely to be able to get campsites? It is nice to leave it open unless we are likely to have trouble finding a place to stay.


Brad J from Denver on 4/30/2019 8:52:49 PM:
I'm in exactly the same position and was wondering the same thing. The trail runs through National Forest and per the NF Website, disperse camping is allowed, so long as the area isn't developed. I'm kind of wondering if I run into an issue getting a campsite if it's reasonable to assume I could disperse camp off the trail a ways. If you find out anything, please post, as I'm looking for this info too.

I love the Mickelson from Sturgis, SD on 5/15/2019 9:13:30 PM:
Assuming you are starting in Deadwood and riding to Edgemont. Most peopoe who do the trail in two days ride to Hill CIty the first day. There are private campgrounds literally right along the trail, with tent camping. And dispersed camping is allowed away from the trail on forest land. In JUne you should be ok even in the campgrounds to get a tent spot.
You are in for a treat - this trail is the best!!